is an application made with AppleScript Studio.
AppleScript is a programming language very similar to the english
language, thought to automate repetitive tasks.
However, this language, with AppleScript Studio, offers the tools
necessary to easily create full Mac OS X applications including all the
system user interface elements (windows, buttons, tabs, etc.).
That is the base of iGP32. A set of instructions that call command line
utilities like MacLink or MEncoder, but depending of the actions made
with the interface of the application.
This way, for example, after choosing some origin and destination video
files and low quality, when clicking on the encoding button, what
really is being done is an instruction like this:
do shell script
"mencoder -o
destination.avi -vop scale=340:240 -ofps 10 \
-ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=104:me_quality=6 -oac mp3lame
-srate=11025 \
-lameopts vbr=3:br=24:mode=3:vol=0 originalmovie.avi"
In a similar
way, the columnns of the SMC Browser are filled or a package is
installed into the console.
To obtain more information about AppleScript and AppleScript Studio,
you can check the official
of Apple
with the console
iGP32 uses internally a command line utility, maclink
from Mr
which allows to communicate a Macintosh Computer with a GP32 console
using a USB cable.
Encoding videos
All the programs, at the moment, for the GP32 console that can play
video files only support AVI files with a video track on DivX or XviD
format, and an audio track in MP3 format.
To create this kind of files it is very useful MEncoder, which
is the utility that iGP32 uses internally. |
(c) 2005 kounch.
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under the terms of the GNU
Free Documentation License,
Version 1.2 or any later version
published by the Free
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